Tell us your LOCAL ghost stories here!


With Halloween fast approaching and the likelihood of gathering in groups to enjoy all the ghoulish, garish, ghostly goings-on being canceled or banned, we want to get together around a virtual campfire and hear all your local stories. Dickinson County has so much rich heritage, and with a lot of history often comes spooky stories of those who are stuck between this world and the next. Not everyone believes in ghosts, but there are some who have had experiences that cannot allow them to believe otherwise.

Have you had an encounter with a ghost or a local haunted house? Do you want to share a spooky local story? The Menominee Range Historical Foundation Promotional Committee wants to hear about it! In the thread below, tell us your local haunted tale.

Then grab yourself a scary snack, hunker down with your bogeyman, ghoul-friend, or little monsters and prepare for some spine-chilling local stories!

You are also welcome to contribute your stories to our Local Haunted History Facebook Group right here.

Jayna HuotariComment